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New Mestre Panda Discord

Mestre Panda has published on his official Facebook account a new feature that will unite his players more 

and more. It is now possible to discuss the game on the official Panda Master server on Discord.

Xcloudgame's communication channels with the players of this mobile game are Facebook and Instagram. 

From the Facebook group, players always had access to the management team that was always attentive to 

the players' suggestions. We now add the new Discord server that will give users more options to expose 

their ideas, start discussions, make suggestions, report errors and be heard by the team.

The Discord channel has several channels that are of extreme interest to players, such as a bug reporting 

channel, an event announcement channel, a game suggestion channel, among others. In addition to text 

channels, Discord users can initiate audio discussions and create private rooms.

Enter Mestre Panda's official server: https://discord.gg/A23VhFM

A imagem pode conter: uma ou mais pessoas, texto que diz "MESTRE PANDA"