Xcloudgame new game release date announced
Xcloudgame is preparing to launch its new game called Monsters and Mysteries. This Tuesday (02/06) information related to the opening of the server was posted on the game's official Facebook page. The post informs that the game is expected to be released later this week on June 4th.
The game is currently being evaluated by Google Play and the App Store to become available to the public that has been waiting for more than a month. However the launch of the game for the iOS system will take a little longer, as the Apple store has not yet accepted the apk.
To have more information about the new Xcloudgame game, follow us on social media:
Xcloudgame: https://www.facebook.com/xcloudgame/
Monstros e Mistérios: https://www.facebook.com/monstrosemisterios/