The open beta of Monstros e Misterios has terminated
After 2 weeks of testing the open beta of the game Monstros e Misterios, Xcloudgame's new game, came to
an end on 04/04. During this period many players were able to have fun with this new mobile game that brings
a very different proposal from the other games already published by Xcloudgame.
At this moment the team is evaluating the data and feedback acquired during the open beta to be able to apply
it in the game. There is still no set date for the release of the official version, as more tests will be done after the
improvements to make sure that the game can be at the level of Brazilian and Latin American players. But it will
be launched on may for sure.
We thank everyone who participated in the beta version of the game and who supported us during this phase.
We wait for you at the official launch of Monstros e Misterios.
For more information about the game and when it will be officially launched, remember to follow our social networks. (in Portuguese) (in Spanish)