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Survival Heroes Brazil announces e-sports competition soon

A imagem pode conter: 1 pessoa, texto que diz "SURVIVAL HEROES BRASIL CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO DE SURVIVAL HEROES BRASIL ESTÁ CHEGANDO! Se prepare para as disputas solo e esquadrão!"

Survival Heroes announced on its official Facebook page last Friday (13/01) that it will organize a 

pilot championship of Survival Heroes Brazil. This is great news for players who are interested in 

competing and have always asked Xcloudgame to bring the game into the competitive scenario. 

Check out some important information about this event:

Registration will be completely free and you can compete for a special and exclusive prize.

The championship will focus on solo and squad mode. So train hard on your own and with friends.

Regulations, registration and awards will be publicly available on 10/02. You have a month to prepare.

If you would like to participate, log into our Discord server and request the Competitive tag on 

channel # request-tag

This tag guarantees access to exclusive chat and voice rooms, as well as access to the championship

organizing room.

In the exclusive text room, you can give your opinion and see first-hand the rules of the championship.

Participate in the first Survival Heroes Brazil championship and be a legend!

Discord: bit.ly/ServidorDiscordSHB

Suport: bit.ly/SuporteSHB