XCloudgame is about to launch its new mobile game
XCloudgame is about to launch its new mobile game entitled "Mestre Panda" still this week.
This moment the technical team is working to make final adjustments to offer the best content
and experience to their players. Mestre Panda is the third mobile game launched by the company,
its antecessors are Tecnofut Mobasaka and Immortal Souls, launched in October last year and in
April this year respectively.
This indicates the direction XCloudgame is taking, following the players and market demands. In
recent years some researchs on the topic indicates a growth of mobile games not only in brazilian
market but also in international market. One example is the "Pesquisa Games Brasil" of 2018 that
shows a preference of 84,3% of the interviewed for the mobile games.
Mestre Panda is an online RPG game that offers incredible graphics and a pleasurable game play.
The game contains many heroes to be chosen, among them the Panda itself. With beautiful sceneries
showing mountains and forests of China, Mestre Panda can take the player to a fantastic and unique
For more information about the game, please follow the official pages:
Site: https://mestrepanda.xcloudgame.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mestrepanda.xcloud/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgUqO-0B47OnbPxoBeXN-aQ